Major extinction events
Although the Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T)
extinction event is the most well-known because it wiped out the dinosaurs, a
series of other mass extinction events has occurred throughout the history of
the Earth, some even more devastating than K-T. Mass extinctions are periods in
Earth's history when abnormally large numbers of species die out simultaneously
or within a limited time frame. The most severe occurred at the end of the
Permian period when 96% of all species perished. This along with K-T are two of
the Big Five mass extinctions, each of which wiped out at least half of all
species. Many smaller scale mass extinctions have occurred, indeed the
disappearance of many animals and plants at the hands of man in prehistoric,
historic and modern times will eventually show up in the fossil record as mass
Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction
The third largest extinction in Earth's
history, the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction had two peak dying times
separated by hundreds of thousands of years. During the Ordovician, most life
was in the sea, so it was sea creatures such as trilobites, brachiopods and
graptolites that were drastically reduced in number.
Late Devonian mass extinction
Three quarters of all species on Earth died
out in the Late Devonian mass extinction, though it may have been a series of
extinctions over several million years, rather than a single event. Life in the
shallow seas were the worst affected, and reefs took a hammering, not returning
to their former glory until new types of coral evolved over 100 million years
Permian mass extinction
The Permian mass extinction has been
nicknamed The Great Dying, since a staggering 96% of species died out. All life
on Earth today is descended from the 4% of species that survived.
Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction
During the final 18 million years of the
Triassic period, there were two or three phases of extinction whose combined
effects created the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction event. Climate change,
flood basalt eruptions and an asteroid impact have all been blamed for this
loss of life.
Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction
The Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction -
also known as the K/T extinction - is famed for the death of the dinosaurs.
However, many other organisms perished at the end of the Cretaceous including
the ammonites, many flowering plants and the last of the pterosaurs.
Importance of mass Extinction events in Evolution
Mass extinctions have sometimes accelerated
the evolution of life on Earth. When dominance of particular ecological niches
passes from one group of organisms to another, it is rarely because the new
dominant group is "superior" to the old and usually because an
extinction event eliminates the old dominant group and makes way for the new
For example mammaliformes ("almost
mammals") and then mammals existed throughout the reign of the dinosaurs,
but could not compete for the large terrestrial vertebrate niches which
dinosaurs monopolized. The end-Cretaceous mass extinction removed the non-avian
dinosaurs and made it possible for mammals to expand into the large terrestrial
vertebrate niches. Ironically, the dinosaurs themselves had been beneficiaries
of a previous mass extinction, the end-Triassic, which eliminated most of their
chief rivals, the crurotarsans.
Causes of particular mass extinctions
basalt events: Eleven occurrences, all associated
with significant extinctions. Only five of the major extinctions coincided with
flood basalt eruptions and that the main phase of extinctions started before
the eruptions.
Basaltic eruptions can have series of
interrelated effects. A basaltic eruption could have
produced dust and particulate
aerosols which inhibited photosynthesis and thus caused food chains to collapse
both on land and at sea
emitted sulfur oxides which
were precipitated as acid rain and poisoned many organisms, contributing further
to the collapse of food chains
emitted carbon dioxide and thus
possibly causing sustained global warming once the dust and particulate
aerosols dissipated.
Flood basalt events occur as pulses of
activity punctuated by dormant periods. As a result they are likely to cause
the climate to oscillate between cooling and warming, but with an overall trend
towards warming as the carbon dioxide they emit can stay in the atmosphere for
hundreds of years.
It is speculated that massive volcanism
caused or contributed to the End-Permian, End-Triassic and End-Cretaceous
2. Sea-level falls
Sea-level falls could reduce the
continental shelf area (the most productive part of the oceans) sufficiently to
cause a marine mass extinction, and could disrupt weather patterns enough to
cause extinctions on land. But sea-level falls are very probably the result of
other events, such as sustained global cooling or the sinking of the mid-ocean
ridges.Sea-level falls are associated with most of the mass extinctions,
including all of the "Big Five"—End-Ordovician, Late Devonian,
End-Permian, End-Triassic, and End-Cretaceous.
3. Impact events
The impact of a sufficiently large asteroid
or comet could have caused food chains to collapse both on land and at sea by
producing dust and particulate aerosols and thus inhibiting photosynthesis.
Impacts on sulfur-rich rocks could have emitted sulfur oxides precipitating as
poisonous acid rain, contributing further to the collapse of food chains. Such
impacts could also have caused megatsunamis and/or global forest fires.
The Shiva hypothesis proposes that periodic
gravitational disturbances cause comets from the Oort cloud to bombard earth
every 26 to 30 million years.
4. Ocean asteroid impact
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is soluble in sea
water and is present in very large quantities. It mostly reports as the
bicarbonate radical (−HCO3) which is only stable at temperatures below 50°C.Sea
surface temperatures are normally below 50°C, but can easily exceed that
temperature when an asteroid strikes the ocean thereby inducing a large thermal
shock. Under those circumstances very large quantities of CO2 erupt from the
ocean. As a heavy gas, the CO2 can quickly spread around the world in
concentrations sufficient to suffocate air breathing fauna, selectively at low
altitudes.Asteroid impacts with the ocean may not leave obvious signs, but
these impacts have the potential to be far more devastating to life on earth
than impacts with land.
5. Sustained and significant global cooling
Sustained global cooling could
kill many polar and temperate species and force others to migrate
towards the equator;
reduce the area available for
tropical species;
often make the Earth's climate
more arid on average, mainly by locking up more of the planet's water in ice
and snow.
The glaciation cycles of the current ice
age are believed to have had only a very mild impact on biodiversity, so the
mere existence of a significant cooling is not sufficient on its own to explain
a mass extinction.
It has been suggested that global cooling
caused or contributed to the End-Ordovician, Permian-Triassic, Late Devonian
extinctions, and possibly others. Sustained global cooling is distinguished
from the temporary climatic effects of flood basalt events or impacts.
6.Sustained and significant global warming
This would have the opposite effects:
expand the area available for
tropical species;
kill temperate species or force
them to migrate towards the poles;
possibly cause severe
extinctions of polar species;
often make the Earth's climate
wetter on average, mainly by melting ice and snow and thus increasing the
volume of the water cycle.
It might also cause anoxic events in the
Global warming
as a cause of mass extinction is supported by several recent studies.The most
dramatic example of sustained warming is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum,
which was associated with one of the smaller mass extinctions. It has also been
suggested to cause the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event, during which 20% of
all marine families went extinct. Furthermore, the Permian–Triassic extinction
event has been suggested to have been caused by warming. Human-caused global
warming is contributing to extinctions today.
7.Clathrate gun methane eruptions
Clathrates are composites in which a
lattice of one substance forms a cage around another. Methane clathrates (in
which water molecules are the cage) form on continental shelves. These
clathrates are likely to break up rapidly and release the methane if the
temperature rises quickly or the pressure on them drops quickly—for example in
response to sudden global warming or a sudden drop in sea level or even
earthquakes. Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon
dioxide, so a methane eruption ("clathrate gun") could cause rapid
global warming or make it much more severe if the eruption was itself caused by
global warming.
It has been suggested that "clathrate
gun" methane eruptions were involved in the end-Permian extinction and in
the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, which was associated with one of the
smaller mass extinctions.
8. Anoxic events
Anoxic events are situations in which the
middle and even the upper layers of the ocean become deficient or totally
lacking in oxygen. Their causes are complex and controversial, but all known
instances are associated with severe and sustained global warming, mostly
caused by sustained massive volcanism.
It has been suggested that anoxic events
caused or contributed to the Ordovician–Silurian, late Devonian,
Permian–Triassic and Triassic–Jurassic extinctions, as well as a number of
lesser extinctions. On the other hand, there are widespread black shale beds
from the mid-Cretaceous, which indicate anoxic events but are not associated
with mass extinctions.
9. Hydrogen sulfide emissions from the seas
During the Permian–Triassic extinction
event the warming also upset the oceanic balance between photosynthesising
plankton and deep-water sulphate-reducing bacteria, causing massive emissions
of hydrogen sulphide which poisoned life on both land and sea and severely
weakened the ozone layer, exposing much of the life that still remained to
fatal levels of UV radiation.
10. Oceanic overturn
Oceanic overturn is a disruption of thermohaline
circulation which lets surface water (which is more saline than deep water
because of evaporation) sink straight down, bringing anoxic deep water to the
surface and therefore killing most of the oxygen-breathing organisms which
inhabit the surface and middle depths. It may occur either at the beginning or
the end of a glaciation, although an overturn at the start of a glaciation is
more dangerous because the preceding warm period will have created a larger
volume of anoxic water
It has been suggested that oceanic overturn
caused or contributed to the late Devonian and Permian–Triassic extinctions.
11. A nearby nova, supernova or gamma ray burst
A nearby gamma ray burst at the
End-Ordovician extinction would be powerful enough to destroy the Earth's ozone
layer, leaving organisms vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Gamma ray bursts are fairly rare, occurring only a few times in a given galaxy
per million years.
12. Geomagnetic reversal
Increased geomagnetic reversals will weaken
Earth's magnetic field destroy magnetosphere, long enough to expose the
atmosphere to the solar winds, causing oxygen ions to escape the atmosphere,
resulting in a disastrous drop on oxygen. Additionally, Magnetosphere
destruction will cause the earth to be bombarded with Alpha, beta, gamma and X rays,
wiping out lives.
13. Plate tectonics
Movement of the continents into some
configurations can cause or contribute to extinctions in several ways:
by initiating or ending ice
by changing ocean and wind
currents and thus altering climate;
by opening seaways or land
bridges which expose previously isolated species to competition for which they
are poorly adapted (for example, the extinction of most of South America's
native ungulates and all of its large metatherians after the creation of a land
bridge between North and South America).
Occasionally plate tectonics creates a super-continent
which includes the vast majority of Earth's land area, which is likely to
reduce the total area of continental shelf (the most species-rich part of the
ocean) and produce a vast, arid continental interior which may have extreme
seasonal variations.
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